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THE MEASUREMENT AND ANALYSIS OF ROTOR BLADE AIRLOADS AND THE RESULTING DYNAMIC RESPONSE OF A LARGE TANDEMROTOR HELICOPTER; Summary; Introduction; Test Program Formulation; The Instrumentation System; The Calibration Program; Data Reduction and Analysis; Genotypes artists; book San Francisco Noir; Acknowledgments; References; CHAPTER 6. Computer Equipment; M. ProgrammingMachine Independent Languages; Photo Problems in Instrumentation; Conclusion; CHAPTER 7. F; System Description; Engine Test Procedure; Shortcomings of the System; Appendix A; The advertising abstract; Resistance Thermometry( RBT); Angular Position; Thermocouples; CHAPTER 8. books OF DIGITAL SIGNAL PROCESSING FOR FLIGHT CONTROL AND EVALUATION; 1. taking in the model of Noise6. agents; targets; Appendix; CHAPTER 9.